Get to know about acid reflux disease and the initial symptoms

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It can be seen that the causes of this disease are many. And some causes are unthinkable and very minor. Therefore, it is not surprising that this disease has become a popular disease that anyone can get. Acid reflux is a condition in which digestive juices. From the stomach flow back into the esophagus, causing symptoms that affect. The patient’s quality of life or causing esophageal pathology. The main symptoms of acid reflux disease include a burning sensation in the epigastric region up to the chest and throat.

This symptom is worse after eating a heavy meal, leaning forward, lifting heavy objects, and lying down. Another important symptom is sour or bitter-tasting fluid flowing back into the mouth. These symptoms are common in Westerners. But in most Thais, heartburn is not as common and is not as severe as in Westerners.

Patients often burp and have sour fluid in their mouth. In patients with severe regurgitation of food and fluid, it can cause aspiration into the lungs, leading to pneumonia.

Other patients may present with other symptoms such as bloating, stomach tightness, nausea, vomiting after eating, chest pain, feeling like something is stuck or obstructing the throat, having to clear the throat frequently, shortness of breath, dry cough, hoarseness, sore throat. These symptoms are caused by acid flowing back up into the larynx, causing chronic laryngitis.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease has different symptoms from gastritis. Patients with gastritis usually visit a doctor with symptoms of stomach pain, heartburn below the epigastric region, and bloating. Most patients will have black stools or vomit blood. Patients with gastritis usually do not have a burning sensation in the chest that extends to the throat like patients with gastritis. Some patients may burp frequently and have some regurgitation after eating a full meal, which makes it difficult to make a differential diagnosis in some patients.